03 March 2025


Safeguarding learners and providing joined up pastoral care is a core function of any educational institution. Using ebs: ontrack Hub to collect and share this vital information means that it's easy to keep everyone informed. Using records and notes you can track disciplinary meetings, disclosures and incidents and share them quickly with the staff who need to be informed. This confidential information is secure within ebs: ontrack Hub but still easy to access for those who need it.

There are three parts to the Safeguarding tools.

  1. Safeguarding Admin

    Anyone with Safeguarding Administrator role can create templates for information sharing; Create categories and KPIs to organise data and easily group concerns; Set up distribution lists to make sure the right people are informed; Control notification settings so information is shared on the right time-scale.

  2. Safeguarding Tutor

    Tutors receive notifications on their homepage when a Safeguarding concern is shared with them. From their safeguarding inbox they can read records and note, raise concerns and look up students to see what records and notes already exist for them.

  3. Support for Learners

    Learners receive notifications on their homepage when a note or record is shared with them. From their inbox they can read and respond to records and notes shared with them and also create records and notes, about themselves or other learners giving them tools to easily share any concerns or important information.

Safeguarding Roles

There are three different Safeguarding roles that can be assigned to staff. The role assigned to a staff member defines what they can do and what notifications they receive.

Safeguarding Administrator

Staff members with the safeguarding administrator role have access to the Safeguarding Admin screens. This means they can set up templates, categories, distribution lists, notification settings, and KPIs. This role does not give any access to viewing records or notes.

Safeguarding Manager

Safeguarding managers are able to see all records and notes. If a tutor escalates a record or note it is the safeguarding managers who are informed. It is expected that the safeguarding manager role will only be assigned to a limited number of staff members who have responsibility for safeguarding matters.

Safeguarding managers can lock records and notes. Locked records and notes can only be viewed by safeguarding managers. This allows them to limit access to sensitive or inappropriate information.

Safeguarding managers can close or reopen records and notes to indicate if the matter has been resolved.

If a new member of staff is given the safeguarding manager role, they will not be notified of pre-existing escalated notes and records. Their escalated items inbox will only contain items that have been escalated from the date they received the role.

Safeguarding Tutor

The safeguarding tutor role should be assigned to any staff member who might need to share safeguarding information about a student. It gives them access to an inbox that can receive safeguarding messages. It also allows them to create records and notes.

Safeguarding tutors can only view records and notes that they have been given permission to view. They can not see locked records and notes. They can close records and notes that have not been escalated.